
transparent background


augroup TransparentBackground
  autocmd VimEnter * hi Normal ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE
augroup END

" or
hi Normal     guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
hi NonText    guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE  " non-text transparent ( optional )
hi LineNr     guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE  " line number transparent
hi SignColumn guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE  " sign column transparent
vim/nvim transparent background -- vim/nvim transparent background

linux terminal with solarized

  • bundle

    " Vim Bundle
    filetype off
    set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/snipmate.vim/snippets/
    set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/
    call vundle#begin()
    Bundle 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
    Bundle 'tpope/vim-pathogen'
    Bundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
    call vundle#end()
    call pathogen#infect()
    filetype plugin indent on
    syntax enable on
  • solarized

    if has('gui_running') || 'xterm-256color' == $TERM
      set background=dark
      let psc_style='cool'
      """ solarized
      let &t_Co=256
      set t_Co=256
      let g:solarized_termcolors = 256
      let g:solarized_termtrans  = 1
      let g:solarized_extra_hi_groups = 1        " ┐
      let g:solarized_visibility      = "high"   " | nice to have
      let g:solarized_contrast        = "high"   " |
      let s:base03                    = "255"    " ┘
      " set termguicolors                        " do not enable
      colorscheme solarized
  • customrized colors

    highlight clear SpellBad Conceal PmenuSel SpecialKey Exception Folded TabLineSel Search CorsorLine
    highlight SpellBad       term=underline   cterm=underline     ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=160
    highlight Conceal        term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=239
    highlight SpecialKey     term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=130
    highlight Constant       term=NONE        ctermfg=99
    highlight LineNr         term=NONE        ctermbg=NONE        ctermfg=235     guifg=#586e75
    highlight CursorLineNr   term=underline   cterm=NONE          ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=124
    highlight CursorLine     term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
    highlight Exception      term=bold        ctermbg=NONE        ctermfg=136
    highlight Visual         term=NONE        cterm=underline     ctermbg=NONE
    highlight Comment        ctermfg=234      guifg=#002b36
    highlight Folded         term=underline   cterm=underline     ctermfg=235     ctermbg=0
    highlight FoldColumn     term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=235     ctermbg=0
    highlight StatusLineNC   term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=235     ctermbg=black
    highlight StatusLine     cterm=NONE       ctermfg=238         ctermbg=black
    highlight CmdLineEnter   cterm=NONE       ctermfg=238
    highlight CmdLineLeave   cterm=NONE       ctermfg=238
    highlight MsgArea        cterm=NONE       ctermfg=238
    highlight vimGroup       term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=4
    highlight NonText        cterm=NONE       ctermfg=239
    highlight Pmenu          term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=2       ctermbg=NONE
    highlight PmenuSel       term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=121     ctermbg=NONE
    highlight PmenuSbar      term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=15      ctermbg=234
    highlight PmenuThumb     term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=15      ctermbg=234
    highlight TabLineSel     term=underline   cterm=underline     ctermbg=NONE
    highlight VertSplit      cterm=NONE       ctermfg=12          ctermbg=NONE
    highlight MatchParen     term=inverse     cterm=inverse
    highlight Search         term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermbg=12      ctermfg=4
    highlight Statement      term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=11      ctermbg=NONE
    highlight Type           term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=136     ctermbg=NONE
    highlight Visual         term=bold,underline   cterm=bold,underline     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=NONE
    highlight Normal         ctermfg=23        guifg=#586e75
    highlight Boolean        ctermfg=196
    highlight Number         ctermfg=61
    highlight String         ctermfg=88
    highlight Function       ctermfg=105
    highlight Structure      ctermfg=202
    highlight Define         ctermfg=179
    highlight Conditional    ctermfg=190
    highlight Operator       ctermfg=208
    highlight PreProc        term=NONE        cterm=NONE          ctermfg=166     ctermbg=NONE
    highlight ColorColumn    cterm=NONE       ctermfg=244         ctermbg=NONE
    highlight CollumnLimit   cterm=NONE       ctermfg=244         ctermbg=NONE
    highlight VertSplit      ctermfg=235      gui=reverse
    highlight IncSearch      term=standout    cterm=standout      ctermfg=148     ctermbg=238
    highlight Search         cterm=NONE       ctermfg=64          ctermbg=238     guifg=Black     guibg=Yellow
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