
font patcher

patch fonts

setup font-patcher

# osx
$ brew install fontforge
# ubuntu
$ sudo apt install python3-fontforge

# install font-patcher v3.2.1.1
$ [[ -d /opt/FontPatcher ]] || mkdir -p /opt/FontPatcher
$ curl -o /opt/FontPatcher/FontPatcher.zip \
       -fsSL https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/FontPatcher.v3.2.1.1.zip
$ unzip -o /opt/FontPatcher/FontPatcher.zip /opt/FontPatcher

# setup completion
## osx
$ cp /opt/FontPatcher/completion/font-patcher.sh /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/
## centos/rhel/ubuntu/wsl
$ cp /opt/FontPatcher/completion/font-patcher.sh /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/
## centos/rhel
$ cp /opt/FontPatcher/completion/font-patcher.sh /etc/bash_completion.d/

# setup environment
$ cat >> ~/.bashrc << EOF
test -d "${FONT_PATCHER}" && PATH+=":${FONT_PATCHER}"
export $PATH
font-patcher auto completion -- font-patcher auto completion

patch fonts

font-patcher -- font-patcher
  • mono

    $ font-patcher RecMonoSemicasual-Regular-1.085.ttf --mono --complete --quiet -ext ttf -out .
    # or patch for folders
    $ while read -r _f; do
        for _e in otf ttf; do
          outpath="$(dirname $(dirname $_f))_NF/$(basename $(dirname $_f))/${_e}";
          [[ -d "${outpath}" ]] || mkdir -p "${outpath}";
          echo ".. ${_e} » $(basename ${_f}) » ${outpath}";
          /opt/FontPatcher/font-patcher $(realpath "${_f}") --mono --complete --quiet -ext ${_e} -out "${outpath}";
      done < <(fd -u -tf -e ttf -e otf --full-path /path/to/folder)
  • san

    • with name

      $ font-patcher --complete --progressbars --outputdir . --name 'Recursive Mono Casual Static Italic Nerd Font' /path/to/font.ttf 2>/dev/null
      # using name dynamically
      $ font='/path/to/font.ttf'
      $ fontfamily="$(fc-query -f '%{family}' "$(realpath "${font}")" | awk -F, '{print $1}')";
      $ style="$(fc-query -f '%{style}' "$(realpath "${font}")" | awk -F, '{print $1}')";
      $ name="${fontfamily} ${style} Nerd Font";
      $ font-patcher --complete --quiet --outputdir . --name "${name}" "${font}" 2>/dev/null

check fonts


  • list installed fonts

    $ fc-list | sed -re 's/^.+\/([^:]+):\s?([^,:]+),?:?.*$/\1 : \2/g' | column -t -s: -o: | sort -t: -k2
    # or
    $ fc-list | awk '{$1=""}1' | sed -re 's/^\s*([^:,]+:?,?[^,:]+).*$/\1/' | column -t -s:
    • i.e.:
      $ fc-list | sed -re 's/^.+\/([^:]+):\s?([^,:]+),?:?.*$/\1 : \2/g' | column -t -s: -o: | sort -t: -k2 | grep operator
      OperatorProNerdFont-Italic.ttf                : Operator Pro Nerd Font
      OperatorProNerdFont-Regular.ttf               : Operator Pro Nerd Font
      OperatorMonoNerdFontMono-Light.ttf            : OperatorMono Nerd Font Mono
      OperatorMonoNerdFontMono-LightItalic.ttf      : OperatorMono Nerd Font Mono
      OperatorMonoLigNerdFontMono-Light.otf         : OperatorMonoLig Nerd Font Mono
      OperatorMonoLigNerdFontMono-LightItalic.otf   : OperatorMonoLig Nerd Font Mono
      OperatorProNerdFont-Light.ttf                 : OperatorPro Nerd Font
      OperatorProNerdFont-LightItalic.ttf           : OperatorPro Nerd Font
  • list fonts properties

    $ fc-query /path/to/font.ttf
    • i.e.:
      $ fc-query Operator/OperatorMonoLigNF/OperatorMonoLigNerdFontMono-Light.ttf | grep -E 'family|style|fullname|weight|slant|spacing|file'
        family: "OperatorMonoLig Nerd Font Mono"(s) "OperatorMonoLig Nerd Font Mono Light"(s)
        familylang: "en"(s) "en"(s)
        style: "Light"(s) "Regular"(s)
        stylelang: "en"(s) "en"(s)
        fullname: "OperatorMonoLig Nerd Font Mono Light"(s)
        fullnamelang: "en"(s)
        slant: 0(i)(s)
        weight: 50(f)(s)
        spacing: 100(i)(s)
        file: "Operator/OperatorMonoLigNF/OperatorMonoLigNerdFontMono-Light.ttf"(s)
  • list particular field of fonts properties

    $ fc-query -f '%{family}\n' /path/to/font.ttf
    • i.e.:

      $ fc-query -f '%{family}\n%{style}\n%{fullname}' Recursive/Recursive_Desktop/RecursiveSansCslSt-LtItalic.ttf
      Recursive Sans Casual Static,Recursive Sn Csl St Lt
      Light Italic,Italic
      Recursive Sn Csl St Lt Italic
      $ fc-query -f '%{family}\n%{style}\n%{fullname}' Recursive/Recursive_Desktop/RecursiveSansCslSt-LtItalic.ttf | awk -F, '{print $1}'
      Recursive Sans Casual Static
      Light Italic
      Recursive Sn Csl St Lt Italic



  • fontsPath:
    • osx: ~/Library/Fonts or /System/Fonts
    • Linux: ~/.fonts or ~/.local/share/fonts or /usr/share/fonts



Monaco vim -- Monaco vim
Monaco bash -- Monaco bash



devicon diff -- devicon diff
devicon with RecMonoCasual Nerd Font Mono -- devicon with RecMonoCasual Nerd Font Mono
# RecMonoCasual
$ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
       -fsSL --remote-name-all \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoCasual/RecMonoCasualNerdFontMono-Regular.otf \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoCasual/RecMonoCasualNerdFontMono-Italic.otf \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoCasual/RecMonoCasualNerdFontMono-Bold.otf \

# RecMonoLinear
$ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
       -fsSL --remote-name-all \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoLinear/RecMonoLinearNerdFontMono-Regular.otf \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoLinear/RecMonoLinearNerdFontMono-Italic.otf \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoLinear/RecMonoLinearNerdFontMono-Bold.otf \

# RecMonoSemicasual
$ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
       -fsSL --remote-name-all \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoSemicasual/RecMonoSmCasualNerdFontMono-Regular.otf \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoSemicasual/RecMonoSmCasualNerdFontMono-Italic.otf \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoSemicasual/RecMonoSmCasualNerdFontMono-Bold.otf \

# RecMonoDuotone
$ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
       -fsSL --remote-name-all \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoDuotone/RecMonoDuotoneNerdFontMono-Regular.otf \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoDuotone/RecMonoDuotoneNerdFontMono-Italic.otf \
       https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Recursive/Recursive_Code_NF/RecMonoDuotone/RecMonoDuotoneNerdFontMono-Bold.otf \
original version
RecMonoCasual vim -- RecMonoCasual vim
RecMonoCasual bash -- RecMonoCasual bash
$ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
       -fsSL --remote-name-all \
       https://github.com/arrowtype/recursive/raw/main/fonts/ArrowType-Recursive-1.085/Recursive_Code/RecMonoCasual/RecMonoCasual-Regular-1.085.ttf \
       https://github.com/arrowtype/recursive/raw/main/fonts/ArrowType-Recursive-1.085/Recursive_Code/RecMonoDuotone/RecMonoDuotone-Regular-1.085.ttf \
       https://github.com/arrowtype/recursive/raw/main/fonts/ArrowType-Recursive-1.085/Recursive_Code/RecMonoLinear/RecMonoLinear-Regular-1.085.ttf \
       https://github.com/arrowtype/recursive/raw/main/fonts/ArrowType-Recursive-1.085/Recursive_Code/RecMonoSemicasual/RecMonoSemicasual-Regular-1.085.ttf &&
  fc-cache -f -v

# or
$ version=1.085
$ url='https://github.com/arrowtype/recursive/raw/main/fonts/ArrowType-Recursive-1.085/Recursive_Code/'
$ while read -r _t; do
    curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
  done < <( echo 'Casual Duotone Linear Semicasual' | fmt -1 )
$ fc-cache -f -v

Comic Mono


ComicMono vim -- ComicMono vim
ComicMonoNF bash -- ComicMonoNF bash



$ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
$ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
Agave NF Mono -- Agave NF Mono
AgaveNFM bash -- AgaveNFM bash

Operator Mono


operator mono + airline -- operator mono + airline
nvim python operator mono nf + coc + nerdtree + devicon -- nvim python operator mono nf + coc + nerdtree + devicon
  • patched via Nerd Fonts Patcher v3.2.1.1 (4.13.1) (ff 20230101)

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           -fsSL --remote-name-all \
           https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Operator/OperatorMono/OperatorMono-Light.otf \
    previous version
    # Mono NF otf
    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           -fsSL --remote-name-all \
           https://github.com/40huo/Patched-Fonts/raw/master/operator-mono-nerd-font/Operator%20Mono%20Light%20Italic%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf \
    # Mono NF ttf
    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           -fsSL --remote-name-all \
           https://github.com/xiyaowong/Operator-Fonts/raw/master/Operator%20Mono%20Nerd%20Font/Operator%20Mono%20Light%20Italic%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf \
    # Pro NF
    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           -fsSL --remote-name-all \
           https://github.com/xiyaowong/Operator-Fonts/raw/master/Operator%20Pro%20Nerd%20Font/Operator%20Pro%20Light%20Italic%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf \
    $ showfonts | grep -e ': Operator.*Nerd Font'
    Operator Mono Light Nerd Font Complete.otf        : OperatorMono Nerd Font
    Operator Pro Light Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf  : OperatorPro Nerd Font
    Operator Pro Light Nerd Font Complete.ttf         : OperatorPro Nerd Font
    Operator Mono Light Italic Nerd Font Complete.otf : OperatorMono Nerd Font
  • ligatures

    $ ext='otf'             # or ext='ttf'
    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           -fsSL --remote-name-all \
           https://github.com/marslo/fonts/raw/fonts/Operator/OperatorMonoLigNF/OperatorMonoLigNerdFontMono-Light."${ext}" \
    previous version
    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           -fsSL --remote-name-all \
           https://github.com/beichensky/Font/raw/master/Operator%20Mono%20Lig/OperatorMonoLig-Light.otf \
    $ showfonts | grep -e ': operator.*lig'
    OperatorMonoLig-LightItalic.otf                   : Operator Mono Lig
    OperatorMonoLig-Light.otf                         : Operator Mono Lig
  • vim configure

    operator mono -- operator mono
    nvim operator mono ligatures -- nvim operator mono ligatures
    Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'                                              " ╮
    Plug 'sainnhe/gruvbox-material'                                     " ├ theme
    Plug 'luisiacc/gruvbox-baby', { 'branch': 'main' }                  " ╯
    Plug 'rrethy/vim-hexokinase', { 'do': 'make hexokinase' }
    set go=                                                             " hide everything (go = guioptions)
    set cpoptions+=n
    set guifont=OperatorMono\ Nerd\ Font\ Mono:h29                      " ╭ nerd font ╮ keep only one
    set guifont=OperatorMonoLig\ Nerd\ Font\ Mono:h29                   " ╰ ligatures ╯
    set renderoptions=type:directx,renmode:5
    if has( 'gui_running' ) || 'xterm-256color' == $TERM
      set background=dark
      colorscheme gruvbox-material                                      " sainnhe/gruvbox-material


GohuNF vim -- GohuNF vim
GohuNF bash -- GohuNF bash
$ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
       -fsSL --remote-name-all \
       https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Gohu/uni-14/GohuFontuni14NerdFontMono-Regular.ttf \
       https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Gohu/uni-11/GohuFontuni11NerdFontMono-Regular.ttf \
       https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Gohu/14/GohuFont14NerdFontMono-Regular.ttf \
       https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Gohu/11/GohuFont11NerdFontMono-Regular.ttf &&
  fc-cache -f -v

Monaspace RN


monaspace rn NF -- monaspace rn NF
monaspace rn NF + coc + nerdtree + hexokinase -- monaspace rn NF + coc + nerdtree + hexokinase



  • AgaveNerdFontMono

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Agave/AgaveNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf &&
      fc-cache -f -v
  • CodeNewRoman another Monaco

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/CodeNewRoman/Regular/CodeNewRomanNerdFontMono-Regular.otf &&
      fc-cache -f -v
  • DejaVuSansMono another Monaco

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/DejaVuSansMono/Regular/DejaVuSansMNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf &&
      fc-cache -f -v


  • BigBlueTerminal
    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/BigBlueTerm437NerdFontMono-Regular.ttf &&
      fc-cache -f -v


  • Monofur

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Monofur/Regular/MonofurNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf &&
      fc-cache -f -v
  • ComicShannsMono

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/ComicShannsMono/ComicShannsMonoNerdFontMono-Regular.otf &&
      fc-cache -f -v
  • DaddyTimeMono

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/DaddyTimeMono/DaddyTimeMonoNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf &&
      fc-cache -f -v
  • FantasqueSansMono

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/FantasqueSansMono/Regular/FantasqueSansMNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf &&
      fc-cache -f -v
  • Hermit

    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Hermit/Regular/HurmitNerdFontMono-Regular.otf &&
      fc-cache -f -v


  • NerdFontsSymbolsOnly
    $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
           https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/NerdFontsSymbolsOnly/SymbolsNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf &&
      fc-cache -f -v


powerline fonts


  • install via package tool

    # debian
    $ sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline
    # centos/rhel
    $ sudo dnf install powerline-fonts
  • install via cmd

    [!TIP|label:fonts path in different system:]

    • linux: $HOME/.local/share/fonts
    • osx : $HOME/Library/Fonts
      $ fontPath=$HOME/Library/Fonts
      $ fontPath=$HOME/.local/share/fonts
    • via powershell

      > Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://dtinth.github.io/comic-mono-font/ComicMono.ttf" -OutFile "ComicMono.ttf"; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://dtinth.github.io/comic-mono-font/ComicMono-Bold.ttf" -OutFile "ComicMono-Bold.ttf"; $fonts = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).Namespace(0x14); Get-ChildItem -include ComicMono* | % { $fonts.CopyHere($_.fullname) }
    • cominc mono && comic mono for powerline

      # regular
      $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://dtinth.github.io/comic-mono-font/ComicMono.ttf &&
        curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://dtinth.github.io/comic-mono-font/ComicMono-Bold.ttf &&
        fc-cache -f -v
      # for powerline/vim-airline
      $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/marslo/mytools/raw/master/others/fonts/monospace/Comic-Mono-for-Powerline.ttf &&
        fc-cache -f -v
    • monaco for powerline osx version && monaco for powerline windows version

      $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/marslo/mytools/raw/master/others/fonts/monospace/Monaco-for-Powerline.otf &&
        fc-cache -f -v
    • menlo for powerline

      $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/marslo/mytools/raw/master/others/fonts/monospace/Menlo-Regular.ttf &&
        fc-cache -f -v
    • monofur for powerline

      $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/powerline/fonts/raw/master/Monofur/Monofur%20for%20Powerline.ttf &&
        curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/powerline/fonts/raw/master/Monofur/Monofur%20Italic%20for%20Powerline.ttf &&
        curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/powerline/fonts/raw/master/Monofur/Monofur%20Bold%20for%20Powerline.ttf &&
        fc-cache -f -v
    • sf-mono for powerline

      $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/Twixes/SF-Mono-Powerline/raw/master/SF-Mono-Powerline-Regular.otf &&
        curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/Twixes/SF-Mono-Powerline/raw/master/SF-Mono-Powerline-RegularItalic.otf &&
        curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/Twixes/SF-Mono-Powerline/raw/master/SF-Mono-Powerline-Bold.otf &&
        curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/Twixes/SF-Mono-Powerline/raw/master/SF-Mono-Powerline-BoldItalic.otf &&
        fc-cache -f -v
    • anomaly mono for powerline

      $ curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir "${fontsPath}" \
             https://github.com/benbusby/anomaly-mono/raw/master/AnomalyMono-Powerline.otf &&
        fc-cache -f -v






E614 &#xE614; # - css
F292 &#xF292; #
EA90 &#xEA90; #
F198 &#xF198; #
F0423 󰐣 &#xF0423; #
F0423 󰐣 &#xF0423; #
F0424 󰐤 &#xF0424; #
10995 𐦕 &#10995; #
10E98 𐺘 &#x10E98; #
F0F6D 󰽭 &#xF0F6D; #
F1183 󱆃 &#xF1183; #!
F1501 󱔁 &#xF1501; !?#
F12B7 󱊷 &#xF12B7; ESC
F295 &#xF295; %
F1278 󱉸 &#xF1278; %
F03F0 󰏰 &#xF03F0; %
F852 &#xF852; %
F0353 󰍓 &#xF0353; %
F1033 󱀳 &#xF1033; %
F046F 󰑯 &#xF046F; %
2C03 &#x2C03; %
E60C &#xE60C; JS
E74E &#xE74E; JS
F81D &#xF81D; JS
E781 &#xE781; JS
F898 &#xF898; JS
F0399 󰎙 &#xF0399; JS
F06E6 󰛦 &#xF06E6; TS
E628 &#xE628; TS
F81A &#xF81A; C#
F031B 󰌛 &#xF031B; C#
E648 &#xE648; c#
E649 &#xE649; C
F0671 󰙱 &#xF0671; C
F0672 󰙲 &#xF0672; C++
E61D &#xE61D; C++
E646 &#xE646; C++
E64B &#xE64B; UDA
E651 &#xE651; D
FD42 &#xFD42; V
F0844 󰡄 &#xF0844; V
F07D4 󰟔 &#xF07D4; R
E612 &#xE612; txt
E64E &#xE64E; txt
F2C5 &#xF2C5; (fire)
E242 &#xE242; (fire)
F10D7 󱃗 &#xF10d7; ()
F10FA 󱃺 &#xF10FA; ()
F0172 󰅲 &#xF0172; ()
F0AE7 󰫧 &#xF0AE7; (x)
F1111 󱄑 &#xF1111; (x)
E6B2 &#xE6B2; [T]
EA8A &#xEA8A; []
F016A 󰅪 &#xF016A; []
F0168 󰅨 &#xF0168; []
F10F5 󱃵 &#xF10F5; []
F10F6 󱃶 &#xF10F6; []
F0A3E 󰨾 &#xF0A3E; [..]
EA8B &#xEA8B; {}
EB0F &#xEB0F; {}
F10D6 󱃖 &#xF10D6; {}
F10F7 󱃷 &#xF10F7; {}
F10F8 󱃸 &#xF10F8; {}
E60B &#xE60B; {}
F0169 󰅩 &#xF0169; {}
F07B5 󰞵 &#xF07B5; {}
EBE5 &#xEBE5; {}
EBE6 &#xEBE6; {}
F0626 󰘦 &#xF0626; {..}
FB25 &#xFB25; {...}
E618 &#xE618; <>
F44F &#xF44F; <>
F0174 󰅴 &#xF0174; <>
E60E &#xE60E; <>
F0761 󰝡 &#xF0761; <>
F054F 󰕏 &#xF054F; <>
F0694 󰚔 &#xF0694; <>
F0171 󰅱 &#xF0171; <>
F022E 󰈮 &#xF022E; <>
F4b0 &#xF4b0; <>
F40D &#xF40D; <>
EAE9 &#xEAE9; <>
F102B 󱀫 &#xF102B; <>
E7A3 &#xE7A3; </>
F1C9 &#xF1C9; </>
E796 &#xE796; </>
F121 &#xF121; </>
EAC4 &#xEAC4; </>
F05C0 󰗀 &#xF05C0; </>
EA92 &#xEA92; <T>
E67C &#xE67C; (:a)
F4B5 &#xF4B5; >_
F120 &#xF120; >_
E7A2 &#xE7A2; >_
E683 &#xE683; >_
F07B7 󰞷 &#xF07B7; >_
F489 &#xF489; >_
EA85 &#xEA85; >_
E285 &#xE285; >
E795 &#xE795; >_
F460 &#xF460; >
E758 &#xE758; {less}
E256 &#xE256; java
E738 &#xE738; java
F0B37 󰬷 &#xF0B37; java
E204 &#xE204; java
E005 &#xE005; java
E66D &#xE66D; java
F0617 󰘗 &#xF0617; java
E61B &#xE61B; cjsx
E65E &#xE65E; go
E626 &#xE626; go
E724 &#xE724; go
F2A5 &#xF2A5; g
F2A6 &#xF2A6; g
F0D5 &#xF0D5; g+
F02BD 󰊽 &#xF02BD; g+
F0D4 &#xF0D4; g+
F2B3 &#xF2B3; g+
F03BF 󰎿 &#xF03BF; g+
F0CB2 󰲲 &#xF0CB2; g+
E7B0 &#xE7B0; docker
F308 &#xF308; docker
E650 &#xE650; docker
F0868 󰡨 &#xF0868; docker
E7C5 &#xE7C5; vim
E62B &#xE62B; vim
F194 &#xF194; vim
F27D &#xF27D; vim
FA76 &#xFA76; vim
FA77 &#xFA77; vim
F194 &#xF194; vim
F1CA &#xF1CA; vim
F36F &#xF36F; neovim
E632 &#xE632; emacs
E235 &#xE235; python
F0320 󰌠 &#xF0320; python
E73E &#xE73E; markdown
F853 &#xF853; markdown
F0354 󰍔 &#xF0354; markdown
F072F 󰜯 &#xF072F; markdown
F0DFB 󰷻 &#xF0DFB; markdown
E673 &#xE673; makefile
F858 &#xF858; maxcdn
F136 &#xF136; maxcdn
E616 &#xE616; npm
F06F7 󰛷 &#xF06F7; npm
E767 &#xE767; jenkins
E66E &#xE66E; jenkins
F2EC &#xF2EC; *jenkins
F4E5 &#xF4E5; png
F0D78 󰵸 &#xF0D78; gif
F0225 󰈥 &#xF0225; jpg
F0E2D 󰸭 &#xF0E2D; png
F0226 󰈦 &#xF0226; pdf
F4A5 &#xF4A5; file
EB9D &#xEB9D; file
F15C &#xF15C; file
EAE8 &#xEAE8; file
F471 &#xF471; file
F1085 󱂅 &#xF1085; log
E7B4 &#xE7B4; Ai
E67F &#xE67F; Ps
E73D &#xE73D; php
F08C0 󰣀 &#xF08C0; ssh
F1D3 &#xF1D3; git
F1D2 &#xF1D2; git
E776 &#xE776; ngix
E791 &#xE791; ruby
E739 &#xE739; ruby
E21E &#xE21E; ruby
E719 &#xE719; node
F0AA9 󰪩 &#xF0AA9; database
F0AAA 󰪪 &#xF0AAA; database
E7AA &#xE7AA; S
E72C &#xE72C; TC
E7BC &#xE7BC; CS
F0AAE 󰪮 &#xF0AAE; .net
E69B &#xE69B; tex
F044D 󰑍 &#xF044D; reddit
E704 &#xE704; mysql
`E7A6 &#xE7A6; mysql
F12A7 󱊧 &#F12A7; 0x
E600 &#xE600; stylus
E759 &#E759; dev stylus


F07B &#xF07B; close
F07C &#xF07C; open
F114 &#xF114; close
y115 &#xF115; open
F067 &#xF067; close (+)
F068 &#xF068; open (-)
F45B &#xF45B; open (-)
F2D1 &#xF2D1; open (-)
F48B &#xF48B; open (-)


F302 &#xF302; mac
E711 &#xE711; mac
F8FF &#xF8FF; mac
F0037 󰀷 &#xF0037; ios
F316 &#xF316; redhat
E7BB &#xE7BB; redhat
E712 &#xE712; linux
F31A &#xF31A; linux
EBC6 &#xEBC6; linux
F17C &#xF17C; linux
F033D 󰌽 &#xF033D; linux
F314 &#xF314; opensuse
F31B &#xF31B; ubuntu
EBC9 &#xEBC9; ubuntu
F31C &#xF31C; ubuntu
E73A &#xE73A; ubuntu
E62A &#xE62A; windows
F17A &#xF17A; windows
E70F &#xE70F; windows
F05B3 󰖳 &#xF05B3; windows
F0A21 󰨡 &#xF0A21; windows
EBC5 &#xEBC5; debian
F306 &#xF306; debian
E77D &#xE77D; debian
E722 &#xE722; RPi
EF5C &#xEF5C; RPi
F304 &#xF304; centos
E70E &#xE70E; android
F17B &#xF17B; android


F89F &#xF89F; 123
F03A0 󰎠 &#xF03A0; 123
F4F7 &#xF4F7; 123
F172A 󱜪 &#xF172A; 5.1.2
F1729 󱜩 &#xF1729; 2.1
F1052 󱁒 &#xF1052; -1
F15CB 󱗋 &#xF15CB; +1
B2 ² &#xB2; ^2
B3 ³ &#xB3; ^3
2074 &#x2074; ^4
2075 &#x2075; ^5
2076 &#x2076; ^6
2077 &#x2077; ^7
2078 &#x2078; ^8
2079 &#x2079; ^9
2070 &#x2070; ^0
2080 &#x2080; _0
2081 &#x2081; _1
2082 &#x2082; _2
2083 &#x2083; _3
2084 &#x2084; _4
2085 &#x2085; _5
2086 &#x2086; _6
2087 &#x2087; _7
2088 &#x2088; _8
2089 &#x2089; _9
215F &#x215F; 1/
2189 &#x2189; 0/3
F1992 󱦒 &#xF1992; 1/2
BD ½ &#xBD; 1/2
2153 &#x2153; 1/3
2154 &#x2154; 2/3
BC ¼ &#xBC; 1/4
BE ¾ &#xBE; 3/4
2155 &#x2155; 1/5
2156 &#x2156; 2/5
2157 &#x2157; 3/5
2158 &#x2158; 4/5
2159 &#x2159; 1/6
215A &#x215A; 5/6
2150 &#x2150; 1/7
215B &#x215B; 1/8
215C &#x215C; 3/8
215D &#x215D; 5/8
215E &#x215E; 7/8
2151 &#x2151; 1/9
2152 &#x2152; 1/10
F01C9 󰇉 &#xF01C9; A/B
207A &#x207A; +
208A &#x208A; +
FE62 &#xFE62; +
FF0B &#xFF0B; +
F0195 󰆕 &#xF0195; +/-
F14C9 󱓉 &#xF14C9; +/-
F440 &#xF440; +-
B1 ± &#xB1; +-
F0993 󰦓 &#xF0993; +-
2213 &#x2213; -+
2214 &#x2214; .+
29FA &#x29FA; ++
29FB &#x29FB; +++
EB64 &#xEB64; +-x%
2295 &#x2295; O+
2A01 &#x2A01; O+
2A22 &#x2A22; o+
2A2D &#x2A2D; (+
2ABF ⪿ &#x2ABF; (+
2AC0 &#x2AC0; )+
2A2E &#x2A2E; )+
2A23 &#x2A23; ^+
2A24 &#x2A24; ~+
2A25 &#x2A25; +.
2A26 &#x2A26; +~
2A27 &#x2A27; +2
2A28 &#x2A28; +^
2A39 &#x2A39; triangle +
2A3A &#x2A3A; triangle -
25EC &#x25EC; triangle .
29CC &#x29CC; triangle s
2A71 &#x2A71; =+
2A72 &#x2A72; +=
F7 ÷ &#xF7; ÷
F01D5 󰇕 &#xF01D5; ÷
F12EA 󱋪 &#xF12EA; ÷
2A2B &#x2A2B; ÷
2A2C &#x2A2C; ÷
2A6A &#x2A6A; half ÷
2A6B &#x2A6B; ÷
2238 &#x2238; half ÷
2A2A &#x2A2A; half ÷
2A38 &#x2A38; O/
29BC &#x29BC; o/
2215 &#x2215; /
2242 &#x2242; -~
2A6C &#x2A6C; ~-~
F0963 󰥣 &#xF0963; x^y
F0964 󰥤 &#xF0964; x^y
F12B &#xF12B; x^2
F0283 󰊃 &#xF0283; x^2
F12C &#xF12C; x2 subscript
F0282 󰊂 &#xF0282; x2 subscript
F506 &#xF506; ./
F016C 󰅬 &#xF016C; >
2A7B &#x2A7B; <?
2A7C &#x2A7C; >?
F016D 󰅭 &#xF016D; >=
F096E 󰥮 &#xF096E; >=
F097D 󰥽 &#xF097D; <=
2264 &#x2264; <=
2265 &#x2265; >=
2266 &#x2266; <=
2267 &#x2267; >=
2A95 &#x2A95; <=
2A96 &#x2A96; >=
2A7D &#x2A7D; <=
2A7E &#x2A7E; >=
2A85 &#x2A85; <=
2A86 &#x2A86; >=
2A8B &#x2A8B; <=
2A8C &#x2A8C; >=
2A8D &#x2A8D; <=
2A8E &#x2A8E; >=
2A99 &#x2A99; <=
2A9A &#x2A9A; >=
2268 &#x2268; <!=
2269 &#x2269; >!=
226A &#x226A; <<
226B &#x226B; >>
2AA1 &#x2AA1; <<
2AA2 &#x2AA2; >>
2AA3 &#x2AA3; <<
2AA4 &#x2AA4; ><
2AA5 &#x2AA5; ><
22D8 &#x22D8; <<<
22D9 &#x22D9; >>>
2A7F ⩿ &#x2A7F; <<<
2A80 &#x2A80; >>>
2270 &#x2270; !<=
2271 &#x2271; !>=
2272 &#x2272; ~<
2273 &#x2273; ~>
2A87 &#x2A87; >!~
2A88 &#x2A88; <!~
22E6 &#x22E6; <!~
22E7 &#x22E7; >!~
22E8 &#x22E8; <~!
22E9 &#x22E9; !~>
2274 &#x2274; !~<
2275 &#x2275; !~>
29C0 &#x29C0; O<
29C1 &#x29C1; O>
2A79 &#x2A79; o>
2A7A &#x2A7A; o<
F016F 󰅯 &#xF016F; <=
2A73 &#x2A73; =+
2A74 &#x2A74; ::=
2A75 &#x2A75; ==
2A76 &#x2A76; ===
2338 &#x2338; ==
236F &#x236F; !=
F098E 󰦎 &#xF098E; !=
F098D 󰦍 &#xF098D; !=
F0170 󰅰 &#xF0170; !=
29E3 &#x29E3; //==
2248 &#x2248; ~=
2249 &#x2249; !~=
224C &#x224C; ~==
22CD &#x22CD; ~=
F0C96 󰲖 &#xF0C96; cos
F0C97 󰲗 &#xF0C97; sin
F0C98 󰲘 &#xF0C98; tan
F09A3 󰦣 &#xF09A3; square root
F0784 󰞄 &#xF0784; square root
EEE0 &#xEEE0; square root
F8FE &#xF8FE; pi
E22C &#xE22C; pi
F03FF 󰏿 &#xF03FF; pi
F0400 󰐀 &#xF0400; pi
F0627 󰘧 &#xF0627; lambda
E6B1 &#xE6B1; lambda
104E0 𐓠 &#104E0; alpha
F00A1 󰂡 &#xF00A1; beta
F10EE 󱃮 &#xF10EE; gamma
F04A0 󰒠 &#xF04A0; sigma
F03C9 󰏉 &#xF03C9; omega
102C8 𐋈 &#102C8;
10B3A 𐬺 &#10B3A;
10B3B 𐬻 &#10B3B;
10B3C 𐬼 &#10B3C;
10B3D 𐬽 &#10B3D;
10B3E 𐬾 &#10B3E;
10B3F 𐬿 &#10B3F;
F0FC9 󰿉 &#xF0FC9; function
2A0D &#x2A0D; function
2A0E &#x2A0E; function
2A0F &#x2A0F; function
2A17 &#x2A17; function
2A18 &#x2A18; function x
2A19 &#x2A19; function
F0295 󰊕 &#xF0295; function
F0871 󰡱 &#xF0871; function of x
1D6FB 𝛻 &#1D6FB; nabla
F002B 󰀫 &#F002B; alpha
1D6FC 𝛼 &#1D6FC; alpha
1D6FD 𝛽 &#1D6FD; beta
1D6FE 𝛾 &#1D6FE; gamma
1D6FF 𝛿 &#1D6FF; delta
1D700 𝜀 &#1D700; epsilon
1D701 𝜁 &#1D701; zeta
1D702 𝜂 &#1D702; eta
1D703 𝜃 &#1D703; theta
1D704 𝜄 &#1D704; iota
1D705 𝜅 &#1D705; kappa
1D706 𝜆 &#1D706; lambda
1D707 𝜇 &#1D707; mu
1D708 𝜈 &#1D708; nu
1D709 𝜉 &#1D709; xi
1D70A 𝜊 &#1D70A; omicron
1D70B 𝜋 &#1D70B; pi
1D70C 𝜌 &#1D70C; rho
1D70D 𝜍 &#1D70D; sigma
1D70E 𝜎 &#1D70E; tau
1D70F 𝜏 &#1D70F; upsilon
1D710 𝜐 &#1D710; phi
1D711 𝜑 &#1D711; chi


F4BC &#xF4BC; chip - cpu
F85A &#xF85A; chip - cpu
F035B 󰍛 &#xF035B; chip - cpu
F2DB &#xF2DB; chip - 64bit
E266 &#xE266; chip
F061A 󰘚 &#xF061A; chip
F0EDF 󰻟 &#xF0EDF; chip - 32bit
F0EE0 󰻠 &#xF0EE0; chip - 64bit
F1362 󱍢 &#xF1362; google downasaur
F1362 󱍢 &#xF1362; google downasaur
F02A0 󰊠 &#xF02A0; ghost
E241 &#xE241; footprint
F0DFA 󰷺 &#xF0DFA; footprint
E69E &#xE69E; foot
F361 &#xF361; foot
F02AC 󰊬 &#xF02AC; foot
F0F52 󰽒 &#xF0F52; foot
F169D 󱚝 &#xF169D; robot angry
F169E 󱚞 &#xF169E; robot angry
F169F 󱚟 &#xF169F; robot confused !?
F16A0 󱚠 &#xF16A0; robot confused !?
F16A1 󱚡 &#xF16A1; robot dead
F16A2 󱚢 &#xF16A2; robot dead
F1719 󱜙 &#F1719; robot happy
F171A 󱜚 &#F171A; robot happy
F16A3 󱚣 &#xF16A3; robot
F16A4 󱚤 &#xF16A4; robot
F16A5 󱚥 &#xF16A5; robot love
F16A6 󱚦 &#xF16A6; robot love
F4BE &#xF4BE; robot
F1957 󱥗 &#xF1957; chips
E763 &#xE763; cola
F01E5 󰇥 &#xF01E5; dark
10996 𐦖 &#10996; dark
F02CB 󰋋 &#xF02CB; headphone
F1852 󱡒 &#F1852; earbuds
F04B2 󰒲 &#xF04B2; sleep
F04B3 󰒳 &#xF04B3; sleep off
E61C &#xE61C; twig
E006 &#xE006; coconut tree
32DB &#32DB; smile
32E1 &#32E1; smile


1D300 𝌀 &#1D300; -
1D301 𝌁 &#1D301; -
1D302 𝌂 &#1D302; -
1D303 𝌃 &#1D303; -
1D304 𝌄 &#1D304; -
1D305 𝌅 &#1D305; -


F1050 󱁐 &#F1050; space
E672 &#xE672; lock
F023 &#xF023; lock
F52A &#xF52A; unlock
EBE7 &#xEBE7; lock
EB74 &#xEB74; unlock
F09C &#xF09C; unlock
F084 &#xF084; key
F43D &#xF43D; key
F030B 󰌋 &#xF030B; key
F0306 󰌆 &#xF0306; key
F1184 󱆄 &#xF1184; key
F1185 󱆅 &#xF1185; key
E60A &#xE60A; key
F255 &#xF255; mouse drag
F256 &#xF256; mouse
F027E 󰉾 &#xF027E;
F0757 󰝗 &#xF0757;
F10D &#xF10D;
F10E &#xF10E;
F11A8 󱆨 &#xF11A8;
F11A7 󱆧 &#xF11A7;
EB33 &#xEB33;
F1022 󱀢 &#F1022;
F1021 󱀡 &#F1021;
F0E25 󰸥 &#F0E25; ,
F0E24 󰸤 &#F0E24; ,
F0E26 󰸦 &#F0E26; ,
F0E23 󰸣 &#F0E23; ,
F30C &#xF30C; monster
E651 &#xE651; D
E66D &#xE66D; J
F8E2 &#xF8E2; P
E279 &#xE279; =
E27A &#xE27A; =>
E374 &#xE374; N/A
F893 &#xF893; menu
E615 &#xE615; tool
F013 &#xF013; tool
F0493 󰒓 &#xF0493; tool
F0494 󰒔 &#xF0494; tool
EB65 &#xEB65; tool
F05B7 󰖷 &#F05B7; tool
EB6D &#xEB6D; tool
F1064 󱁤 &#xF1064; tool
F425 &#xF425; tool
F0DDF 󰷟 &#F0DDF; tool - nail
F08EA 󰣪 &#xF08EA; hammer
F0E3 &#xF0E3; hammer
F1842 󱡂󠠂 &#xF1842; hammer
F08B7 󰢷 &#F08B7; hammer
EEFF  &#EEFF; *hammer
F204 &#xF204; switch off
F205 &#xF205; switch on
F0A19 󰨙 &#xF0A19; switch off
F0A1A 󰨚 &#xF0A1A; switch off
F0521 󰔡 &#xF0521; switch on
E688 &#xE688; -
E717 &#xE717; github
F4B8 &#xF4B8; copilot
F480 &#xF480; gist
E783 &#xE783; stretch
F0274 󰉴 &#xF0274; H#
F0504 󰔄 &#xF0504; °C
E339 &#xE339; °C
F0505 󰔅 &#xF0505; °F
E341 &#xE341; °F
E6A2 &#xE6A2; WA
F0435 󰐵 &#F0435; HQ
F0A0C 󰨌 &#F0A0C; LQ
F07EF 󰟯 &#xF07EF; SD
F07FD 󰟽 &#xF07FD; 3D
F1A1C 󱨜 &#xF1A1C; 2D
F083E 󰠾 &#xF083E; HK
F0A08 󰨈 &#xF0A08; police officer
F0713 󰜓 &#F0713; 3G
F0714 󰜔 &#F0714; 4G
F0A6F 󰩯 &#xF0A6F; 5G
F0D6E 󰵮 &#xF0D6E; DEV
F100D 󱀍 &#xF100D; ABC
F002C 󰀬 &#xF002C; abc
EA93 &#xEA93; abc
F100E 󱀎 &#xF100E; ABC off
F132D 󱌭 &#xF132D; ab
F132F 󱌯 &#xF132F; ab
F0D47 󰵇 &#xF0D47; atm
F132E 󱌮 &#xF132E; abeta
F07E4 󰟤 &#xF07E4; co2
F12FE 󱋾 &#xF12FE; CO
F13A3 󱎣 &#xF13A3; XS
F0A78 󰩸 &#xF0A78; TM
F25C &#xF25C; TM
E765 &#xE765; cisco
F147D 󱑽 &#xF147D; waveform
E3BE &#xE3BE; earthquake
F0A30 󰨰 &#xF0A30; bug
EAAF &#xEAAF; bug
F0A2F 󰨯 &#xF0A2F; bug fixed
F0A2E 󰨮 &#xF0A2E; bug fixed
F0A3F 󰨿 &#xF0A3F; ..]
F0A40 󰩀 &#xF0A40; [..
102E8 𐋨 &#102E8; b
102C9 𐋉 &#102C9; 6
F444 &#xF444; dot
EB8A &#xEB8A; dot
F812 &#xF812; keyboard
F09FA 󰧺 &#F09FA; keyboard
F09F9 󰧹 &#F09F9; keyboard
F0313 󰌓 &#F0313; keyboard
F11C &#F11C; keyboard
F0E4B 󰹋 &#F0E4B; keyboard off
10669 𐙩 &#10669;
10AE3 𐫣 &#10AE3; -
16861 𖡡 &#16861; map pin
F0352 󰍒 &#F0352; map pin
F034E 󰍎 &#F034E; map pin
1BC05 𛰅 &#1BC05; -
1BC06 𛰆 &#1BC06; -
1BC0A 𛰊 &#1BC0A; -
1BC0B 𛰋 &#1BC0B; -
1F000 🀀 &#1F000; majiang
1F001 🀁 &#1F001; majiang
1F002 🀂 &#1F002; majiang
1F003 🀃 &#1F003; majiang
F17C5 󱟅 &#F17C5; pH
EE3C &#xEE3C; signature
F0DFE 󰷾 &#F0DFE; signature
F0DFC 󰷼 &#F0DFC; signature
EE7F  &#EE7F; signature
1F718 🜘 &#1F718; -
1F73B 🜻 &#1F73B; -
E245 &#xE245; -
29BF ⦿ &#x29BF; circled .
2A00 &#x2A00; circled .
29BE &#x29BE; circled o
29C2 &#x29C2; circled o
29C3 &#x29C3; circled =
2AF1 &#x2AF1; circled bar
27DF &#x27DF; circled bar
2742 &#x2742; open circled
25EF &#x25EF; circled
25D9 &#x25D9; circled
26AC &#x26AC; circled
25CC &#x25CC; dotted circle
25E0 &#x25E0; half circled
25E1 &#x25E1; half circled
2B29 &#x2B29; star
27E1 &#x27E1; star
27E2 &#x27E2; star
27E3 &#x27E3; star
27D0 &#x27D0; star
25C8 &#x25C8; star
2A40 &#x2A40; u.
2A03 &#x2A03; u.
228C &#228C; u<-
228D &#228D; u.
228E &#228E; u+
2A04 &#x2A04; u+
2A41 &#x2A41; u-
2A4B &#x2A4B; m
2239 &#x2239; -:
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