[!TIP|label:official recommended]





  • prepare

    $ apt update
    $ apt install sudo vim netstat net-tools sysstat nfs-common
    $ sudo systemctl start sysstat
    $ sudo systemctl enable sysstat
    $ cat /etc/cron.d/sysstat

    [!NOTE|label:tips for sar]

    • if you wanted to check your memory usage instead, you could use the -r argument rather than -u
      $ sar -r 2 30
  • collectPerformanceData.sh

    $ curl -sO https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudbees-jenkins-scripts/e206a5-linux/collectPerformanceData.sh
    $ chmod +x collectPerformanceData.sh
    $ sudo -u $JENKINS_USER sh collectPerformanceData.sh $JENKINS_PID 300 5
    $ or
    <jenkins> $ bash collectPerformanceData.sh $JENKINS_PID 300 5
    [INFO] Collected a threadDump for PID 8.
    [INFO] A new collection will start in 5 seconds.
    [INFO] Taking top data collection.
    [INFO] Taking TopdashH data collection.
    [INFO] Taking vmstat data collection.
    [INFO] Taking netstat collection.
    [INFO] Taking iostat data collection.
    [INFO] Taking nfsiostat data collection.
    [INFO] Taking nfsstat data collection.


    • 300: "Length to run the script in seconds"
    • 5: "Intervals to execute commands in seconds"

thread dump

  • generated via monitor plugin

    generate heap dump -- generate heap dump
  • generated via jmap


    $ pid=$(ps auxfww | grep devops-jenkins | awk '{print $2}')
    $ jmap -dump:format=b,file=/opt/tmp/heapdump.bin ${pid}
  • analysis via

other tools

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