- * Klocwork Documentation
- PiCache MongoDB Backup/Recovery Procedure
- Klocwork Build integration for C Cplus plus projects EN
- Command Reference
- Troubleshooting an incomplete kwinject build specification
- Providing a build specification template for your developers
- Compiler options for kwbuildproject
- Klocwork Jenkins CI plugin
- Synchronizing status changes and comments across projects
- Continuous integration and Klocwork analysis
- examples
- Klocwork - Knowledgebase
- Running the C and C++ integration build analysis
- example about integrate with Jenkins
- 最佳实践:Klocwork增量/VerifyCI检查
- Running a distributed Klocwork C/C++ analysis
- Security Best Practices + Klocwork
- Integrating Static Code Analysis and Defect Tracking.pdf
- klocwork 2020
- checkers
- How can I know which parts in the code are never used?
- How do I locate Uncalled Functions?
- Cppcheck
$ cppcheck --enable=unusedFunction . Checking foo.c... 1/2 files checked 0% done Checking main.c... 2/2 files checked 0% done [foo.c:1]: (style) The function 'foo' is never used.
- Dead code detection in legacy C/C++ project
[!NOTE|label:references:] issue severity
- 1 - Critical
- 2 - Error
- 3 - Warning
- 4 - Review
- 5 - Severity 5
- 6 - Severity 6
- 7 - Severity 7
- 8 - Severity 8
- 9 - Severity 9
- 10 - Severity 10
initial a klocwork analysis
[!NOTE|label:references:] sample code
capture build settings
$ kwinject --output "<.out_path>" <original build command>
- i.e.:
$ kwinject --output "~/npp/npp.out" devenv "~/npp/PowerEditor/" /Rebuild
- i.e.:
run an analysis using the build spec
$ kwbuildproject --url "<kw_url:kw_port>/<project_name>" \ --tables-directory "<table_path>" \ "<.out_path>"
- i.e.:
$ kwbuildproject --url "" --tables-directory "~/npp/npp_tables" "~/npp/npp.out"
- i.e.:
load the database
$ kwadmin --url "<kw_url:kw_port>" \ load "<project_name>" \ "<table_path>"
$ kwadmin --url "" load "NotepadPlusPlus" "~/npp/npp_tables"
debug for authentication issue
$ kwadmin --debug --url <Klocwork server url> list-projects
- logout via
$ kwauth --log-out
- logout via
full build analysis
[!NOTE|label:references:] sample code
re-create the build spec
$ kwinject --output "~/kw.out" <regular command line>
- i.e.
$ kwinject --output "~/npp/npp.out" devenv "~/npp/PowerEditor/" /Rebuild
- i.e.
force a full analysis
$ kwbuildproject --url "<kw_url:kw_port>/<project_name>" \ --tables-directory "<table_path>" \ --force "<.out file>"
- i.e.:
$ kwbuildproject --url "" --tables-directory "~/npp/npp_tables" --force "~/npp/npp.out"
- i.e.:
load the result
$ kwadmin --url "<kw_url:kw_port>" \ load "<project_name>" \ "<table_path>"
- i.e.:
$ kwadmin --url load NotepadPlusPlus "~/npp/npp_tables"
- i.e.:
incremental build analysis
[!NOTE|label:references:] sample code
update the build settings
$ kwinject --update "<.out_path>" <original build command>
- i.e.:
$ kwinject --update "~/npp/npp.out" devenv "~/npp/PowerEditor/" /Build
- i.e.:
execute the incremental analysis
$ kwbuildproject --url "<kw_url:kw_port>/<project_name>" \ --tables-directory "<table_path>" \ --incremental "<table_path>"
- i.e.:
$ kwbuildproject --url "" --tables-directory "~/npp/npp_tables" --incremental "~/npp/npp_tables"
- i.e.:
load the result
$ kwadmin --url "<kw_url:kw_port>" \ load "<project_name>" \ "<table_path>"
- i.e.:
$ kwadmin --url "" load NotepadPlusPlus "~/npp/npp_tables"
- i.e.:
load result from both windows and linux
[!NOTE|label:references:] sample code kwbuildproject
create an integration project on kw server via command line
$ kwadmin --url "<kw_url:kw_port>" \ create-project "<project_name>"
- i.e.:
$ kwadmin --url create-project NotepadPlusPlus
- i.e.:
capture build settings on linux machine
$ kwinject --output "<.out_path>" <original build command>
- i.e.:
$ kwinject --output "~/npp/npp.out" make
- i.e.:
run an analysis using the build spec on linux
$ kwbuildproject --url "<kw_url:kw_port>/<project_name>" \ [--project "<project_name>"] --tables-directory "<table_path>" \ "<.out_path>"
- i.e.:
$ kwbuildproject --url "" \ --tables-directory "~/npp/npp_tables" \ "~/npp/npp.out"
- load multiple specification
$ kwbuildproject --tables-directory <dir> \ [--url http://<klocwork_server_host>:<klocwork_server_port>/<server_project>] \ [<other_options>] \ <build_specification_1> [<build_specification_2>...]
- i.e.:
load the database on windows
$ kwadmin --url "<kw_url:kw_port>" \ load "<project_name>" \ "<table_path>"
- i.e.:
$ kwadmin --url "" \ load NotepadPlusPlus \ "~/npp/npp_tables"
- i.e.:
using kwwrap plus kwinject to generate a build specification
Note: For distributed builds, you must run the following procedure on all build machines and merge the resultant build trace files.
inserting the kwwrap command line before your compiler and linker names
CC = gcc
convert to
CC = kwwrap -o <path_to_kwwrap_trace_file> gcc // or CC = kwwrap -o <path_to_kwwrap_trace_file> $(command -v gcc)
or via creating wrapper scripts
execute the original build command
- Convert the build trace into a build specification with kwinject
$ kwinject --trace-in <path_to_kwwrap_trace_file> \ --output <path_to_kwinject_output_file>
- i.e.:
$ kwinject --trace-in C:/temp/kwwrap.trace \ --output C:/Klocwork/temp/kwinject.out
- i.e.:
when editing the makefile is not an option
is /temp/kwwrap.trace
using environment variables
create environment variables
$ LDSHARED="kwwrap -o /temp/kwwrap.trace $(command -v gcc)" $ CC="kwwrap -o /temp/kwwrap.trace $(command -v gcc)" $ C++="kwwrap -o /temp/kwwrap.trace $(command -v g++)" $ CMAKE="kwwrap -o /temp/kwwrap.trace $(command -v cmake)" $ AR="kwwrap -o /temp/kwwrap.trace $(command -v ar) rc" $ export CC C++ CMAKE AR LDSHARED
build with original command
$ cmake
use kwwrap with CMake and generate the trace
$ kwinject --trace-in /temp/kwwrap.trace --output kwinject.out
using wrapper scripts
creating wrapper scripts
$ echo "kwwrap -r -o <path_to_kwwrap_trace_file> $(command -v gcc)" > $HOME/.hook/gcc $ echo "kwwrap -r -o <path_to_kwwrap_trace_file> $(command -v g++)" > $HOME/.hook/g++ $ echo "kwwrap -r -o <path_to_kwwrap_trace_file> $(command -v cmake)" > $HOME/.hook/cmake $ chmod +x $HOME/.hook/*
setup environment variables
$ export KWWRAP_HOOKS_DIR="$HOME/.hook" $ export PATH=${KWWRAP_HOOKS_DIR}:${PATH}
build with original command
$ cmake # the original command
use kwwrap with CMake and generate the trace
$ kwinject --trace-in /temp/kwwrap.trace --output kwinject.out
- Authentication using the ltoken
Failing authentication if host name is not found
You can enable kwauth to fail authentication in the case where the server host name was not found in the certificate CN or Subject Alternative Name by setting the verifyCertificate option to true. Enabling this results in the following error message if the host name cannot be found:To set this value to true, create a 'client_config.xml' file in your {client_tools_install_folder}\config\ folder (if it does not already exist). The file must contain the following:Unable to authenticate using SSL with <url>
Note that setting<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <params> <host resolveHost="false" verifyCertificate="true"/> </params>
is not mandatory, but doing so can prevent the Klocwork Server from resolving the wrong FQDN as the Server will use whatever host you specify in a remote server URL.
is used to authenticate users with tools such as kwbuildproject:
- Windows:C:\Users\
.klocwork\ltoken - Unix:~/.klocwork/ltoken
- Mac:~/.klocwork/ltoken If there is no ltoken file in your .klocwork directory, run kwauth to generate the file.
get ltoken
$ export KLOCWORK_LTOKEN=/home/marslo/.klocwork/ltoken
$ kwauth --url
Login: marslo
Password: ****
$ cat /home/marslo/.klocwork/ltoen;443;marslo;abcdefg1234567**************************************************
import your projects and server settings
# import project $ curl --data "action=import_project&user=myself&project=my_project&sourceURL=http://oldserver:8080&sourceAdmin=user&sourcePassword=pwd" # import server configuration $ curl --data "action=import_server_configuration&user=myself&sourceURL=http://oldserver:8080&sourceAdmin=user&sourcePassword=pwd"
# import $ kwadmin import-config <project_name> <file> # i.e.: $ kwadmin import-config workspace C:\Klocwork\OurMetrics.mconf # export $ kwadmin export-config [options] <project-name> <server-file> <local-file> # i.e.: $ kwadmin export-config Toolbus ExportedOurMetrics.mconf C:\Klocwork\OurMetrics.mconf
# kwxsync import single project $ kwxsync [<options>] <project_name_1>|<project_URL_1> <project_name_2>|<project_URL_2> [...] # i.e.: $ kwxsync --url -f -c project project-backup
creating a report
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
KLOCWORK_URL = "http://localhost:8080"
KLOCWORK_PROJECT = "zlib-pipeline"
KLOCWORK_LICENSE_HOST = "flexlm-server"
stages {
stage('Get src from git') {
steps {
git ''
} // stage : clone code
stage('Klocwork Build') {
steps {
additionalOpts: '',
buildCommand: 'c:\\dev\\zlib-git.bat',
ignoreErrors: true,
output: 'kwinject.out',
tool: 'kwinject'
} // stage : klocwork build
stage('Klocwork Analysis') {
steps {
additionalOpts: '',
buildSpec: 'kwinject.out',
disableKwdeploy: true,
duplicateFrom: '',
enabledCreateProject: true,
ignoreCompileErrors: true,
importConfig: '',
incrementalAnalysis: false,
tablesDir: 'kwtables'
} // stage : klocwork analysis
stage('Klocwork Db-load') {
steps {
klocworkIntegrationStep2 reportConfig: [
displayChart: true,
query: 'status:Analyze'
serverConfig: [
additionalOpts: '',
buildName: '',
tablesDir: 'kwtables'
} // stage : klocwork db-load
stage('Build Failure Conditions') {
steps {
enableCiFailureCondition: true,
failureConditionCiConfigs: [[
withDiffList: true,
diffFileList: 'my_list.txt',
enableHTMLReporting: true,
name: 'one',
reportFile: '',
threshold: '1',]]
} // stage : build failure conditions
} // stages
} // pipeline
- full static code analysis
stage("full static code analysis") { steps{ echo "performance integration analysis" klocworkIntegrationStep1([ buildSpec: "${KLOCWORK_BUILDSPEC}", tableDir: "${KLONWORK_TABLES}", incrementalAnalysis : true, ignoreCompileErrors: false, importConfig : "", additionalOpts: "--replace-path ${WORKSPACE}=workspace", disableKwdeploy: true ]) } }
renew LDAP cert
- keytool and java :
- Security Best Practices + Klocwork
- Simple bind failed error when trying to connect to Active Directory
- Klocwork 部署的安全最佳实践
- -djdk.tls.client.protocols=tlsv1 + -djdk.tls.client.protocols=tlsv1,tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2,tlsv1.3
- 2020.4.1
$ keytool -import -alias ldaproot -file rootca.cer -keystore cacerts
$ keytool -import -alias ldapInter -file inter.cer -keystore cacerts
$ keytool -import -alias ldap -file ldap.cer -keystore cacerts
using a secure klocwork server connection
[!TIP] for klocwork 2020.4 Build
Create a self-signed keystore file
# from <server_install>, run the following command: # The keystore is saved into the Tomcat config directory at <projects_root>/tomcat/conf. $ _jvm/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat \ -keyalg RSA \ -keystore <projects_root>/tomcat/conf/.keystore \ -dname "cn=<KlocworkServer_hostname>, ou=<your_organizational_unit>,o=<your_organization>" \ -keypass changeit \ -storepass changeit # i.e.: $ _jvm/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat \ -keyalg RSA \ -keystore <projects_root>/tomcat/conf/.keystore \ -dname ", ou=Development, o=Klocwork" \ -keypass changeit \ -storepass changeit
Configure the Klocwork Server to use SSL (manually)
$ grep klocwork.protocol <projects_root>/config/admin.conf - klocwork.protocol=http + klocwork.protocol=https $ grep Connector <projects_root>/tomcat/conf/server.template - <Connector port="$PORT" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" maxThreads="64" minSpareThreads="20" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="200" connectionTimeout="20000" URIEncoding="UTF-8" compression="on" compressionMinSize="2048" noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla,traviata" compressableMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/javascript" maxPostSize="-1" /> + <Connector port="$PORT" maxthreads="4-" minSpareThreads="20" maxSpareThreads="40" enableLooksups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="50" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000" compression="on" compressionMinSize="2048" noCompressionUserAgents=".*MSIE.*,gozilla,traviata" compressableMimeType="text/html,text/xml" maxPostSize="0" />
restart klocwork service
[!TIP|label:see also:]
$ kwservice --projects-root <projects_root> stop $ kwservice --projects-root <projects_root> start # or $ kwservice --projects-root <projects_root> restart klocwork
$ kwadmin --ssl --host -port 443 list-projects # same as $ kwadmin --url list-projects
disabling the ssl connection
- Simple bind failed error when trying to connect to Active Directory
simple bind failed:
import the ldap server public certificate directly into the klocwork keystore
# location <path_to_JVM_install>\_jvm\lib\security\cacerts
ask your LDAP administrator to set this extension of your LDAP server certificate to non-critical
- Third Party Application Fails Using LDAP over SSL
- Troubleshoot LDAP over SSL connection problems
- Enable LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) for Microsoft Active Directory servers
- Enable LDAP over SSL with a third-party certification authority
- How to Enable LDAP over TLS on a SonicWall without a Certificate Authority (CA)
- LDAP over SSL configuration in Active Directory
- Windows Server – Enable LDAPS
- Simple bind failed error when trying to connect to Active Directory