ip address
get subnet IP address
$ ip addr show eno1 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2; }' | sed 's/\/.*$//' fe80::e5ca:1027:b572:9998
get public IP address
$ curl -4
check port
$ sudo lsof -i:1111
ss-server 903 nobody 8u IPv4 20522 0t0 UDP *:1111
obfs-serv 909 root 7u IPv4 20649 0t0 TCP *:1111 (LISTEN)
$ sudo netstatus -tunpla | grep 1111
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 909/obfs-server
udp 0 0* 903/ss-server
$ lsof -i # or stop by ctrl-c $ lsof -i -r # or: $ netstat -ntauple
show apps that use internet connection
$ lsof -P -i -n $ lsof -P -i -n | cut -f 1 -d " " | uniq | tail -n +2 # or : $ ss -p $ ss -p | cut -f2 -sd\"
create a bunch of dummy text files
$ base64 /dev/urandom | head -c 33554432 | split -b 8192 -da 4 - dummy.
modify timestamp interactively
$ touch -d $(zenity --calendar --date-format=%F) filename
$ touch --date "2010-01-05" /tmp/filename
run a command whenever a file is touched
$ ontouchdo(){ while :; do a=$(stat -c%Y "$1"); [ "$b" != "$a" ] && b="$a" && sh -c "$2"; sleep 1; done }
efficiently print a line deep in a huge log file
$ sed '1000000!d;q' huge.log # or $ sed '999995,1000005!d' < my_massive_file
transmit a file like a http server
$ while ( nc -l 80 < /file.htm > : ) ; do : ; done &
create date-based tgz of current dir, runs in the background, very very cool
$ alias tarred='( ( D=`builtin pwd`; F=$(date +$HOME/`sed "s,[/ ],#,g" <<< ${D/${HOME}/}`#-%F.tgz); tar --ignore-failed-read --transform "s,^${D%/*},`date +${D%/*}.%F`,S" -czPf "$F" "$D" &>/dev/null ) & )' # or $ alias tarred='( ( D=`builtin pwd`; F=$(date +$HOME/`sed "s,[/ ],#,g" <<< ${D/${HOME}/}`#-%F.tgz); S=$SECONDS; tar --ignore-failed-read --transform "s,^${D%/*},`date +${D%/*}.%F`,S" -czPf "$"F "$D" && logger -s "Tarred $D to $F in $(($SECONDS-$S)) seconds" ) & )'
backup and remove files with access time older than 5 days
$ tar -zcvpf backup_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`.tar.gz `find <target> -atime +5` 2> /dev/null | xargs rm -fr ;
$ chmod --reference file1 file2 # or: # tips: man setfacl $ getfacl file1 | setfacl --set-file=- file2
$ nc -v -l 80 < file.ext
check file text or binary
$ find . -type f -print0 | perl -0nE 'say if -f and -s _ and -T _'
# verify
$ find . -type f -print0 | perl -0nE 'say if -f and -s _ and -T _' | grep -a -E '\.db$'
execute commnd at a specific time
$ echo "ls -l" | at midnight # or $ at midnight <<< "ls -l" # or $ echo "ls -l" | at 10:00 # set alarm to wake up: $ echo "aplay path/to/song" | at [time] # timer with sound alarm: $ say(){ mplayer -user-agent Mozilla "$(echo $* | sed 's#\ #\+#g')" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; }; $ sleep 3s && say "wake up, you bastard" # alarm with fade-in, for graceful awakening: $ at 8:30 <<<'mpc volume 20; mpc play; for i in `seq 1 16`; do sleep 2; mpc volume +5; done'
$ du | sort -gr
$ getconf LONG_BIT 64
$ history | awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head
$ diff <(lsof -p 1234) <(sleep 10; lsof -p 1234) # or $ tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -v -w /tmp/traffic.pcap
synchronize date and time with a server over ssh
$ date --set="$(ssh user@server date)" # or $ ssh -t user@host 'sudo date --set "$(ssh user@host date)"'
$ who -b
$ who -r
backup files incremental with rsync to a ntfs-partition
$ rsync -rtvu --modify-window=1 --progress /media/SOURCE/ /media/TARGET/
make sudo forget password instantly
$ sudo -K
$ rsync -aHAXxv --numeric-ids --delete --progress -e "ssh -T -c arcfour -o Compression=no -x" user@<source>:<source_dir> <dest_dir>
$ ls -lct /etc | tail -1 | awk '{print $6, $7}'
check for login failures and summarize
- * iMarslo: displays the attempted via SSH
$ zgrep "Failed password" /var/log/auth.log* | awk '{print $9}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | less
- * iMarslo: displays the attempted via SSH
find a count of how many times invalid users have attempted to access your system
$ gunzip -c /var/log/auth.log.*.gz | cat - /var/log/auth.log /var/log/auth.log.0 | grep "Invalid user" | awk '{print $8;}' | sort | uniq -c | less
[!TIP|lavel:see also:]
get how many days left this years
$ echo "There are $(($(date +%j -d"Dec 31, $(date +%Y)")-$(date +%j))) left in year $(date +%Y)." There are 323 left in year 2014.
get week number
$ date +"%V" 08
display a cool clock on your terminal
$ watch -t -n1 "date +%T|figlet"
put a console clock in top right corner
$ while sleep 1;do tput sc;tput cup 0 $(($(tput cols)-29));date;tput rc;done &
remind yourself to leave in 15 minutes
$ leave +15
$ watch -n 1 'echo "obase=2;`date +%s`" | bc'
$ MIN=1 && for i in $(seq $(($MIN*60)) -1 1); do echo -n "$i, "; sleep 1; done; echo -e "\n\nBOOOM! Time to start."
$ while V=$((`date +%s -d"2025-01-01"`-`date +%s`));do if [ $V == 0 ];then figlet 'Happy New Year!';break;else figlet $V;sleep 1;clear;fi;done
parallel file downloading with wget
$ wget -nv -O- | egrep -o "http://[^[:space:]]*.jpg" | xargs -P 10 -r -n 1 wget -nv
$ echo $(date +%s) > start-time; URL=; while true; do echo $(curl -L --w %{speed_download} -o/dev/null -s $URL) >> bps; sleep 10; done & # show as graph view $ gnuplot -persist <(echo "plot 'bps' with lines")
download every font from to current folder
$ d=""; for c in {a..z}; do l=`curl -s "${d}lettre=${c}"|sed -n 's/.*ge=\([0-9]\{2\}\).*/\1/p'`; for((p=1;p<=l;p++));do for u in `curl -s "${d}page=${p}&lettre=${c}"|egrep -o "http\S*.com/dl/\?f=\w*"`; do aria2c "${u}"; done; done; done
$ wget -erobots=off --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092416 Firefox/3.0.3" -H -r -l2 --max-redirect=1 -w 5 --random-wait -PmyBooksFolder -nd --no-parent -A.pdf http://URL
$ backup() { for i in "$@"; do cp -va $i $i.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S); done }
$ for I in $(mysql -e 'show databases' -s --skip-column-names); do mysqldump $I | gzip > "$I.sql.gz"; done
$ cp -bfS.bak filename filename
$ find $PWD -maxdepth 1 -printf '%.5m %10M %#9u:%-9g %#5U:%-5G [%AD | %TD | %CD] [%Y] %p\n' # or $ find $PWD -maxdepth 1 -printf '%.5m %10M %#9u:%-9g %#5U:%-5G [%AD | %TD | %CD] [%Y] %p\n' | sort -rgbS 50%
DOS tree
$ find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g':wa . |____a_b |____b_a
the most frequent used words of a text file
$ cat WAR_AND_PEACE_By_LeoTolstoi.txt | tr -cs "[:alnum:]" "\n"| tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" | awk '{h[$1]++}END{for (i in h){print h[i]" "i}}'|sort -nr | cat -n | head -n 30
count how many times a string appears in a (source code) tree
$ grep -or string path/ | wc -l
$ echo -e "\e[32m"; while :; do for i in {1..16}; do r=`echo -e "\x$(echo $(($(($RANDOM % 26)) + $(echo $([[ $(($RANDOM % 3)) == 1 ]] && echo -n 48 || echo -n $([[ $(($RANDOM % 3)) == 2 ]] && echo -n 97 || echo -n 65))))) 16 o p | dc)"`; if [[ $(($RANDOM % 5)) == 1 ]]; then if [[ $(($RANDOM % 4)) == 1 ]]; then v+="\e[1m $r "; else v+="\e[2m $r "; fi; else v+=" "; fi; done; echo -e "$v"; v=""; done # $ tr -c "[:digit:]" " " < /dev/urandom | dd cbs=$COLUMNS conv=unblock | GREP_COLOR="1;32" grep --color "[^ ]" # $ echo -e "\e[32m"; while :; do for i in {1..16}; do r="$(($RANDOM % 2))"; if [[ $(($RANDOM % 5)) == 1 ]]; then if [[ $(($RANDOM % 4)) == 1 ]]; then v+="\e[1m $r "; else v+="\e[2m $r "; fi; else v+=" "; fi; done; echo -e "$v"; v=""; done # $ COL=$(( $(tput cols) / 2 )); clear; tput setaf 2; while :; do tput cup $((RANDOM%COL)) $((RANDOM%COL)); printf "%$((RANDOM%COL))s" $((RANDOM%2)); done # $ LC_ALL=C tr -c "[:digit:]" " " < /dev/urandom | dd cbs=$COLUMNS conv=unblock | GREP_COLOR="1;32" grep --color "[^ ]" # $ echo -ne "\e[32m" ; while true ; do echo -ne "\e[$(($RANDOM % 2 + 1))m" ; tr -c "[:print:]" " " < /dev/urandom | dd count=1 bs=50 2> /dev/null ; done # $ echo -e "\e[31m"; while $t; do for i in `seq 1 30`;do r="$[($RANDOM % 2)]";h="$[($RANDOM % 4)]";if [ $h -eq 1 ]; then v="\e[1m $r";else v="\e[2m $r";fi;v2="$v2 $v";done;echo -e $v2;v2="";done;
$ notify-send ["<title>"] "<body>"
$ inotifywait -mrq -e CREATE --format %w%f /path/to/dir | while read FILE; do chmod g=u "$FILE"; done
$ echo "^[]0;My_Title_Goes _Here^G"
retry previous cmd until succeed
$ until !!; do :; done # or: $ until !!; do done # or: $ !!; while [ $? -ne 0 ]; do !!; done
$ util <command>; do echo "retyring"; sleep 1; done
check unread Gmail from the command line
$ curl -u username:password --silent "" | tr -d '\n' | awk -F '<entry>' '{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {print $i}}' | sed -n "s/<title>\(.*\)<\/title.*name>\(.*\)<\/name>.*/\2 - \1/p" # from mac: $ curl -u username:password --silent "" | tr -d '\n' | awk -F '<entry>' '{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {print $i}}' | perl -pe 's/^<title>(.*)<\/title>.*<name>(.*)<\/name>.*$/$2 - $1/' # or: $ curl -u username --silent "" | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n";RS="(</entry>\n)?<entry>"}NR!=1{print "\033[1;31m"$9"\033[0;32m ("$10")\033[0m:\t\033[1;33m"$2"\033[0m"}' | sed -e 's,<[^>]*>,,g' | column -t -s $'\t'
$ cmdfu(){ curl "$@/$(echo -n $@ | openssl base64)/plaintext"; } # or: # usage: cmdfu search 'command' $ cmdfu(){ curl "$(echo "$@" | sed 's/ /-/g')/$(echo -n $@ | base64)/plaintext" --silent | vim -R - } # or: $ cmdfu(){ curl "$@/$(echo -n $@ | openssl base64)/plaintext" --silent | sed "s/\(^#.*\)/\x1b[32m\1\x1b[0m/g" | less -R }
# usage: clfavs username password num_favourite_commands /path/to/file $ clfavs(){ URL=""; wget -O - --save-cookies c --post-data "username=$1&password=$2&submit=Let+me+in" $URL/users/signin; for i in `seq 0 25 $3`; do wget -O - --load-cookies c $URL/commands/favourites/plaintext/$i >>$4; done; rm -f c; } # or $ clfavs(){ URL=""; wget -O - --save-cookies c --post-data "openid=$1&submit=Let+me+in" $URL/users/openid; for i in `seq 0 25 $3`; do wget -O - --load-cookies c $URL/commands/favourites/plaintext/$i >>$4; done; rm -f c; }